Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Our vision

Andrew's dream for many years was to have a part in establishing an orphanage to care for neglected children. He had corresponded with orphanage directors, gathered data about countries with a large population of needy children, sketched plans for the layout of buildings and grounds, and compiled notebooks with pertinent orphanage-related information.  His prayer journal included repeated requests to God to lead and enable him to do this. Unfortunately, he was never able to see this dream realized.

After Andrew's death, our family decided to create a memorial fund in his name to be used to benefit children. We invited friends and family to consider donating to this fund in lieu of sending flowers for his funeral. Many have done so, and because of their generosity a significant amount of money has been accumulated in this fund.

We have considered a number of projects at several children’s' homes that we believe Andrew would want to support.  There are many such homes in different places around the world that are deserving and in need of assistance.  Two of them have attracted our attention.  Both have a connection either with our family or with our home churches. 

First, funds are needed to complete the construction of a "Refuge Home" for some of the children who reside on the ranch/farm operated by Mission Lazarus in Honduras. This is an outstanding ministry led by Jared and Allison Brown.  Mayfair has sent a mission team there each summer for a number of years. The homes are very well designed and constructed.  Seven homes have already been built, and this eighth home will allow additional children to be cared for at the Refuge.  Andrew had planned to go to Honduras as part of the Mayfair team on its next trip. More information about this multi-faceted ministry may be found at http://www.missionlazarus.org/refuge.

The second project is being planned for the Village of Hope in Ghana, West Africa. The Village of Hope is an amazing community that includes an orphanage with over 200 children, a hospital, an elementary school with more than 700 students, and Hope College - a high school presently serving 68 students. The ministry also operates another elementary school at a different location, feeds and teaches trades to homeless teens in Ghana's capital, operates a farm to help provide food for children and adult residents at the Village of Hope, and works with five full-time evangelists in nearby villages where several churches have been started. Oversight of the Village of Hope is provided by the Springtown Church of Christ in Springtown, Texas, which works closely with a Ghana congregation. Sarah and Justin have made several trips to the Village of Hope with a group from the White Station Church of Christ in Memphis, which sends a group annually, and Maryanne and I were there for a brief visit several years ago on a Madison Academy mission trip. Plans were recently announced to construct a first class soccer field on the campus for, primarily, the older children. Soccer is a major activity for youth in Ghana, as is true for youth in most countries, and this field will make the campus even more functional for the children who live and go to school at the Village of Hope.  The Village of Hope website is at http://www.thevillageofhope.com/

We have decided to contribute $10,500 of Andrew's Memorial Fund to Mission Lazarus for the Refuge Home. Another $4,500 is needed to complete it.  And we have decided to contribute $7,500 to the Village of Hope to build the soccer field. Another $2,500 will be needed to provide a watering system to keep the grass in good condition. If we are able to raise this additional money, the field will be named for Andrew.

We would like to invite anyone who has an interest in these projects to consider a contribution that might allow us to provide full support to finish the Refuge Home and add the watering system for the soccer field. Many of you have already made a monetary gift, and we would certainly not expect anything further from you.  But we believe in the work that these two ministries are carrying out in the Lord's name to better the lives of needy children, and we would like to expand, beyond the funds already available, our ability to support them.  

Andrew would be delighted to know that he had a part, even posthumeously, in helping kids. These projects combine his passion for children, for the poor, and for evangelizing the lost, with the extra benefit, at the Village of Hope, of being connected with his lifelong love of soccer.

If God blesses us with more funds than are needed for the two projects mentioned above, we will look for other opportunities to support ministries that benefit children.

The Mayfair Church of Christ has agreed to receive, hold, and distribute Andrew's Memorial Fund to Help Children.  Anyone desiring to contribute should simply make out the check to Mayfair and add at the bottom that it is for "Andrew's Fund for Kids." For those who would prefer to donate online, a Paypal account has been set up, accessible on Mayfair's website at http://mayfair.org/#/children/links.    

As an additional item of information, several people have asked about Andrew's son, Graham, and his future schooling needs.  We are taking the funds from a life insurance policy on Andrew and are setting it aside in an account to be available for Graham when the time comes for him to consider college.

Our family wishes to say thank you again for the kindness that has been shown to us by so many.  And for your helping, through this fund, to turn our loss into gain for children in Honduras and Ghana.    

Bob, Cindy, Beth and Dave, Sarah and Justin, Maryanne, and Graham

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